Aviso Legal


The text below is applicable to the website www.beachflags.com. By using this website you agree with this disclaimer.

Privacy statement

You can visit this website without sharing with us who you are and without sharing any information about yourself. However, there are situations where we will need information about you, for instance to be able to correspond with you, make a reservation or to achieve registration. We strive to inform you any time we collect personal information via the internet. This website has a counter which we use to see how many visitors we receive, the websites which they navigated from and which provider they use. The results are only collected in aggregated form, irreducible to individual people. Collected (personal)information will not be made available or sold to third parties. Barring special circumstances, for example legal obligation. You can also request, at any time, to delete your personal information from our databases.

Exclusion of Liability

All of the information on this website is meant for personal use. There are no rights to be derived from the information. Alterations and typos will be reserved.  We use our efforts to make sure the information on our website is as complete and detailed as possible. ProFlags BV will not accept any responsibility for damage however caused by usage, incompleteness or falseness on this website.


The information and recommendations on this website can be altered without any warning or notice beforehand. We strive to make this website as available as possible, but we will not accept any liability for possible consequences of (temporary) unavailability.

Royalties and intellectual property

The royalties on this website belong to ProFlags BV or to third parties who, with permission, have made  this material available to ProFlags BV. Reproduction of any kind is only permitted after ProFlags BV has given their consent.


BeachFlags.com is not responsible for any possible damages suffered by the customer. BeachFlags.com does not give out warranties for damages done by using her services or products. This includes, but is not restricted to, loss of information arising from delays, not being received, or wrong delivery, and any interruptions of services caused by BeachFlags.com and her staff.